
32nd Annual Nantucket Organ Crawl – Saturday, October 7th, 2023; 10:00am to 12:30pm

You’re playing that on the organ?!? – Music Transcriptions for the Organ

Presented by the Nantucket Community Music Center Featuring Nantucket’s six mechanical-action pipe organs (built between 1835 and 2001)

Stroll to the five churches in historic Nantucket for 20-minute concerts. Hear many musical styles from classic Baroque to the latest in video game themes.

Free Admission – Contributions gratefully accepted to offset expenses

Participating Churches and Organs (In “crawl” order) St. Mary’s – Our Lady of the Isle

3 Federal Street; Bigelow & Co. (2001); 17 ranks, 853 pipes

First Congregational Church

North Vestry, 62 Centre Street; Roche Organ (1989); 14 ranks, 686 pipes

First Congregational Church, Summer Sanctuary

62 Centre Street; J.W. Steere & Son (1904); 19 ranks, 1219 pipes

United Methodist Church

2 Centre Street; Appleton Organ (1831); 14 ranks, 633 pipes

Unitarian-Universalist Meeting House

11 Orange Street; Goodrich Organ (1831); 16 ranks, 893 pipes

St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)

20 Fair Street; Hutchings-Votey Organ (1902); 19 ranks, 1109 pipes

Historical notes:

Nantucket is the only location in the United States where 100% of its pipe organs are mechanical-action. It is also home to the oldest American-built organ still in regular use.